viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008


Hungary is a country ubicate in the center of Europe, its Capital is Budapest, the official language is Hungarian,Hungary was one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world in the past decade with a capital regarded as one of the most beautiful in the world.
Hungary is relatively small size, but have some places very interesting to visited, like Székesfehérvár.
The music of hungary consist mainly of traditional Hungarian folk music, Hungary is famous for its mathematics education, and some invention like the Rubik´s cube.
Hungary also is important because, for example, Calvin Klain was originated in this country and is an important mark in the world.

by: Alba González

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008


hungary and colombia are countries with some similarities and differences.
hungary is smallest in terms of length and population, is a country that presents the four seasons, unlike in colombia find a tropical climate, colombia language is Spanish, while in hungary is Hungarian, which is considered one of the languages more difficult.
hungary in its history has had great inventors whose inventions are now very popular around the world, however most people do not know the origin of these famous inventions.

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008


Hungary is an European country, that belongs to the European Union. Its capital is Budapest, their official language is the Hungarian that is consider one of the most difficult languages to learn because it has 44 combinations of letters, but also Hungarian has the traditional abc. The popular sport in Hungary is Waterpolo, one of the biggest company that is known is Calvin Klein.

Maria Carolina Barón A.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

Remarkable event: Mathematics

Some of the most relevant and meaningful events that occurred during the Egyptian civilization were architecture, botany, zoology, astronomy, medicine and navy, all of these topics contribute to the develop of the humanity and also it serves to establish a base for specific science, that then people take it into account to study it more deeply. But the most wonderful science that Egyptian civilization developed was Mathematics and it had been significant since always because it is the center of the universe.

There is no doubt that Mathematics is the most remarkable contribution of Egyptians, but this is related in all the topics and daily situations making that relationships become to be calculated and also that people were measured for the things that they have, people lost their spontaneity to act, because nowadays people always think in numbers.

However mathematics is necessary in all the activities that people do, for examples in a family, people need to know how many members are they, to prepare dinner or a party. At the same time people need to count things to use this information from knowing how many times people need to eat, to the building of a bridge.
Also it is necessary to recognized that all the careers use a minimum level of mathematics, for example an Engineer needs to learn 4 different types of math, while a Doctor needs to know how many dosis is required according to the age of the patient.

Another aspect to consider is that mathematics is the base of many ancient theories, but also it is the base of new theories, for example the ones that are related with the global warming or with daily topics, for example the food crisis, so people can use math to predict how many people are going to be affected because of this, and also they can make many predictions.

Therefore mathematics is the meaningful event that changes the history of humanity because nowadays all the people use it and many people create a lot of things using math, because we consider that this science is a need.
Maria Carolina Baron
Alba Gonzales
Yorladis Garcia

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008


In the egyptian civilizaron the men is conformed of two spirituals elements: the “ BA “ AS THE SOUL, and the “ KA” like the second body.

Death represented the separation of de body and the spirit; but the “KA” couldn´t survive without the body, for this reason began to do tools of storing to mantend the “KA”.
Above bandages will put the sarcophagi to serve as substitutes of the body , if the mommy was destroyed, next to the deceased was puted figures , called USHEBITS, to serve to the late.

Funeral, was a walk to the tomb, and a priest was forward ant the slaves back with food and jewelry, when the people were in the tomb the priest does the last ceremony named “ THE OPENING OF THE MOUNTH” that consisted in give the total authority to the late of use all the organs of their body.

Finally, in the tomb the servants put all the elements and things necessary to survive in the other world .


There are too many sports in ancient egypt, many of today´s sports were practise by them. A lot of the rules used in different sports were originated in ancient egypt

Ancient Egypt kings and princes enjoy sports competitions, they encourage and provided wich the necesary equipment.
Drawings on pharaonic monuments show that the Egyptians had laid down basic rules for games, chosen a neutral referee, a uniform for players and means of announcing the winners by ghiving them differents collars.

Ancient Egyptians played a game that is similar to our present-day hockey. Drawings on tombs show players holding bats made of long palm-tree branches, with a bent end similar to that of the hockey bat. The hockey ball was made of compressed papyrus fibers covered with two pieces of leather in the shape of a semicircle. another sport was Swimming, it was the favorite sport of the ancient Egyptians, who made use of the River Nile to practice it. The Nile was not the only place for swimming contests. Noblemen's palaces had swimming pools in which princes learned the sport.

there are some othres sports practice in ancient Egypt:
Handball,Gymnastics (floor exercises), Gymnastics (consecutive vault), Javelin Throw, Fishing, Boxing,Weightlifting,Equestrian Sports, High Jump, Rowing, Archery, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Tug of Hoop.

Ancient Egypt was a very dynamic civilization , so it came to build huge monuments that today are causing great admiration throughout the public.

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa

viernes, 25 de abril de 2008


Maria Carolina Barón Aristizábal
Blog essay
Egyptian Rituals

The activities that are related to rituals are continually changing because of the culture and the global evolution, for example nowadays we don’t see rituals very often.

One of the most significant rituals for Egyptians was the transformation of images into human figures; this ritual was known as the ritual of opening the mouth and the eyes. Ancient Egyptians practiced this ritual in statues, mommies, coffins, and in front of the tombs. The Egyptians touched the mouth of mommies and statues with tools to give life to the spirits, giving in this way the possibility of breath, eat, drink and see. But exactly the goal of this ritual was to make born the statue to give it life because of that, they use different kind of tools that people used in the birth of kids. When the Egyptians practiced this ritual they wrote the name of the person that manages the ceremony and the names of the instruments that they used.

Also they practiced a ritual for death people, because they believed in life after death and also they thought that the soul traveled further in because when someone die they conserved the body with the process of mummification, but this process only applied for rich people and pharaohs, this process started 2 or 3 days after death during 70 days and is one of the most remembered rituals of Egyptian people and also it is an icon to identify and to relate Egyptians.

Rituals are very relevant for ancient cultures because they established the difference from each other, and also rituals could be the point to recognize a specific civilization.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008


Egyptian goddess

The religious beliefs of ancient Egypt were developed around 3000 years. For this reason the Egyptian goddess were too many, and too diverse, in fact because they brepresented the human-life areas . That diversity can be exposed mentioning the divinities of Isis and Osiris . They were twice of the most relevant goddess: a lot of egyptian tribes believed in them.
They had a representative role in the life of the people in those times .
Isis, was know as " The mother of every goddess", she was the most popular divinity of ancient Egypt: people loved her.
She was the mother of Horus: In contrast Osiris was a frightful deity, he was a " dead God" and the "God of Death". Isis means life , and protectionof it. In the other hand Osiris has a terrible story of treason and death. Also the genre of each one is different , Isis was a woman, and Osiris was a man.
Like a similarity, is important the fact they have the same origin:in fact they were brothers , and also lovers:so they have in common their son , Horus . Both were inmortalized for the people in another personality, it means that Osiris became the Sun (Ra), and Isis - as the Ra's wife- was assimilated as Hator , the "wife of the Sun".
In conclusin, is evident that this Goddess represent areas of the human life , in this case the most relevant aspects of existence , the life and death. From the ancient times , to nowadays , some cultures still believes in those Goddess, like every religion on this earth, they are the support of their lives, they always have been, and probably, they always will be.
by: Alba gonzalez

Ancient egypt was a civilization characterized to be a polytheistic civilization, they had several gods that represented different things for Egyptians. gods governed everything, from the sun and the moon, until love wisdom and war.

I am going to write about the similarities and defferences between two gods: osiris and isis.

One similarities between osis and isis was that both were recognized as some of the most popular and essencioal gods in the whole Egyptian. Another similarity was that both belonged to the osiriac triad, the triad was an organization where was the most relevant gods.

The differences among these two gods basically are each one represented different things: isis was dennominated "great goddes mother" "Great magic ", etc... in contrast osiris was "the god of resurrection" symbol of the fertility" and regeneration of the nile.
Anoter difference was that the praise that surrended each god was different. the praise to isis was buildings or santuaries for her. but to osiris the praise consisted on remembering the death, funerar and resurrection.

The differences and similarities among these two gods are some for all the gods in ancient egypt, because each god represented something different and the praise was different for each one, the similarities was the impact to each god.

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa...

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Heroes and heroines

We are going to talk about the main characteristics and roles during his periods of government and about the reasons that make that these women were so famous and remembered. Also we are going to realize that these queens were very significant to the ancient civilization not only because of their beauty, but also because of their historical acts. In this essay we are going to compare Cleopatra and Nefertiti, both of them queens of the ancient civilization of Egypt,

Both of them were beautiful ladies of Egypt, as we know Cleopatra is remembered because of her beauty but Nefertiti too, because her name means “the beauty arrives”, another similarity is that they govern Egypt during long time periods, also they developed an excellent role in the political aspect for example Cleopatra fought with her brother to obtain the power and the control of Egypt, and Nefertiti fought with many people to have influence in politics to obligate her husband to built the new capital of the empire. And the last thing in common between these heroines is that both of them had the ability to dominate men, because each one used different kinds of tools to maintain men over his domain.

Also we can recognize differences between Cleopatra and Nefertiti, for example the characteristics, Cleopatra was very classy, exotic and she had power to seduce men, also she has many knowledge in politics intelligence, but Nefertiti was very strong, feminist and delicate, also she participated in politics and religion, at the same time she was worried about family, while Cleopatra participated mostly in politics. Another big difference is the style of life because Cleopatra had a style very opened and we could say that she had a crazy life, like a free life, but Nefertiti had a style too conservative, like kind of modest; it is possible that the style of life determines the way of death, for example Cleopatra drink a poison to suicide and Nefertiti death because of a disease.

All in all, these heroines of the ancient Egypt had differences and similarities according to their goals; it is significant to recognize that both of them triumph in what they propose not only because of their beauty, they triumph because of the abilities previously mentioned.

By: María Carolina Barón Aristizábal

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008


Egyptian family was the nucleus in the ancient Egypt, each family members played and important and specific role. There was tremendous pride in one's family, and lineage played a very important role, besides being requirement the lines of both the mother and father to maintain a pure lineage.

Men often became responsible for the economic well-being of the family. Upper-class men often became scribes or priests, while lower-class men often were farmers, hunters, potters, or other craftsmen. The mother supervised the household, including servants, and cared for the upbringing of the children. Upper-class women could become priestesses, and all women could become musician.

Children stayed at home until they reached marriageable age (about twenty for males, younger for females). Although Egyptian children had toys and are occasionally depicted at play, much of their time was spent preparing for adulthood. For example, peasant children accompanied their parents into the fields; the male offspring of craftsmen often served as apprentices to their fathers.

Many privileged children received formal education to become a scribe. Some young boys were taught by priests in temples, and children of the nobility sometimes received private instruction from tutors or learned to be an officer in the army.

Young girls assisted their mothers with household tasks or worked with them in some capacity in the fields. Others girls helped taking care of their siblings in the house
The parents also familiarized to their children with the ideas on the world, their religious perspective, ethical principles, and the behaviors. Young men did not usually choose their own careers. in ancient Egypt there was an hereditary occupation. Father occupation was inherited for its sons. The sons also took care of the old-age of their parents, and they prepared the funeral and the mummification from their parents to the moment to die

Considered the Egyptian history, family was really important in Egyptian culture. there was no a big difference between us. The father was the protector and helped in the maintenance of the family. The mother took care about his kids and worked in the fields, and some girls took care of his sibling. Finally the children played and were prepared for the adulthood

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa

Egyptian Work

The activities that are related with work are continually changing because of the culture and the global evolution, for example nowadays we see many activities like normal or common activities that in the ancient civilization were not accepted.

The members roles in Egyptian family are different for example the father has the obligation of maintaining the family working on land or in trade while mom is in charge of the kids and maybe she could make some activities like sew, cook or prepare parties, in the other hand Egyptian woman were very classy they use many jewels and make up, this continue in our society and in our families but one of the biggest changes is that nowadays woman are laborious, they contribute with money to supply all the needs of home, because they work in an office and in the house with the diary activities.

The most important aspect of Egyptian education were the correct way of speak, then the obedience and finally the value of the education with nature to develop personality. Also in the past years Egyptian learns mathematics in a simple way with diary situations; but now in Egypt the basic education is free and obligatory for kids between 6 and 12 years, then the students could assist to the general school that prefer kids for the technical school that teaches agriculture and industrial management.

Making a comparison between ancient Egyptian family and ancient Colombian family we could say that the roles of parents were similar, but because of the culture and the evolution now are a little bit different, and the educational aspect is so different because in our civilization the upbringing is integral it involves many things and it develops all the abilities like writing, listening reading and speaking not just one like in the Egyptian civilization.
María Carolina Barón Aristizábal

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2008

Egyptian Family

Nowadays we see how ancient family structure is similar to our family structure in some cases or in some countries, depending on traditions because there are things that have a completely change for example organization, roles and interactions of families but many others are completely same like the concept about family.
The concept of family is still the same or very similar to the concept of our family because when the ancient Egyptians get married immediately they create their own house and their new family because they want to have kids, all of this is a result of the ideas that they had about marriage because Egyptians think that the goal of marriage is to have kids, also girls and boys were accepted with the same happiness. But the core of family is too small because Egyptian families were conformed by three people, they just have one child, so this is the biggest difference between Egyptian family and Colombian family.
The organization and the interactions of Egyptians families are different in many aspects for example in the Egyptian family the father has the obligation of maintaining the family working on land or in trade while mom is in charge of the kids and maybe she could make some activities like sew, cook or prepare parties. Egyptian woman were very classy they use many jewels and make up, this continue in our society and in our families but one of the biggest changes is that nowadays woman are laborious, they contribute with money to supply all the needs of home, because they work in an office and in the house with the diary activities.
The ancient family express affection and familiarity in the same way that our families do because one of the most important things for Egyptians were family and child, and this is very common and important in our family structure too.

Finally we can conclude that topics that are related with family between Egyptians and our families are so similar taking into account that some of them have changes because of the evolution of generations and because of the culture.
María Carolina Barón Aristizábal.

viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

Egyptian family.

The people of ancient Egypt highly valued family life. They treasured children and regarded them as a great blessing. In the lower class families, the mother raised the children. The wealthy and nobility, had slaves and servants that helped take care of the children by attending to their daily needs.

Young boys learned a trade or craft from their fathers or an artisan. Young girls worked and received their training at home with their mothers. Those who could afford it sent their sons, from about the age 7, to school to study religion, reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Upon their parents death, the sons inherited the land, while daughters inherited the household goods such as furniture and jewelry. If there were no sons in the family, there was nothing preventing the daughters from inheriting the land.

Peasant girls usually married around the age 12, the boys were a few years older than the girls. Girls of more affluent families married a few years older. The marriages were arranged by parents of the children although some young people chose their own spouse. While the ordinary man normally had one wife, the kings always had several. Before the marriage ceremony, an agreement was signed by the couple. The pre-nuptial agreement stated that the wife was to receive an allowance from her husband. The contract also stated that any material good the wife brought into the marriage was hers to keep if the marriage ended for any reason. Both could own land separate from each other but the wife usually let her husband administer her land along with his.

Divorce was an option, although it was not common. If a husband treated his wife badly, she would go to her family for help. The wife's family would try to persuade her spouse to change his behavior. If his behavior did not improve the divorce took place. The divorce was a simple procedure consisting of making a simple statement to annul the marriage in front of witnesses. The wife was given custody of the children and was free to remarry.

in conclution we can see that The family remained the most significant unit of Egyptian society.

iz you wan to see more about the familie, only click hier:


sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008

CaRoLiNa bArON

NAME: My name is Maria Carolina Baron Aristizábal
AGE: I am 19 years old,
OCUPATION: I am studying Industrial Engineering and I am in fifth semester.

Hobbies: Listen to music and at school I practiced soccer.

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008

My name is Maria Carolina Baron Aristizabal.
I'm 19 years old, I'm studying Industrial engineering, I'm in fifth semester.
Hobbies: Listen to music and at school I played soccer.
Music: Coldpaly is one of my favorities groups.

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

YoRlAdIs gArCiA

NAME: Yorladis garcía orozco
AGE: 17 years old
HOBBIES: Listen music, Read, and watch films
FAVORITE MUSIC; Pop and English Rock : Evanescence, Coldplay,
linkin park, good charlotte