martes, 11 de marzo de 2008


Egyptian family was the nucleus in the ancient Egypt, each family members played and important and specific role. There was tremendous pride in one's family, and lineage played a very important role, besides being requirement the lines of both the mother and father to maintain a pure lineage.

Men often became responsible for the economic well-being of the family. Upper-class men often became scribes or priests, while lower-class men often were farmers, hunters, potters, or other craftsmen. The mother supervised the household, including servants, and cared for the upbringing of the children. Upper-class women could become priestesses, and all women could become musician.

Children stayed at home until they reached marriageable age (about twenty for males, younger for females). Although Egyptian children had toys and are occasionally depicted at play, much of their time was spent preparing for adulthood. For example, peasant children accompanied their parents into the fields; the male offspring of craftsmen often served as apprentices to their fathers.

Many privileged children received formal education to become a scribe. Some young boys were taught by priests in temples, and children of the nobility sometimes received private instruction from tutors or learned to be an officer in the army.

Young girls assisted their mothers with household tasks or worked with them in some capacity in the fields. Others girls helped taking care of their siblings in the house
The parents also familiarized to their children with the ideas on the world, their religious perspective, ethical principles, and the behaviors. Young men did not usually choose their own careers. in ancient Egypt there was an hereditary occupation. Father occupation was inherited for its sons. The sons also took care of the old-age of their parents, and they prepared the funeral and the mummification from their parents to the moment to die

Considered the Egyptian history, family was really important in Egyptian culture. there was no a big difference between us. The father was the protector and helped in the maintenance of the family. The mother took care about his kids and worked in the fields, and some girls took care of his sibling. Finally the children played and were prepared for the adulthood

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa

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