martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Egyptian Work

The activities that are related with work are continually changing because of the culture and the global evolution, for example nowadays we see many activities like normal or common activities that in the ancient civilization were not accepted.

The members roles in Egyptian family are different for example the father has the obligation of maintaining the family working on land or in trade while mom is in charge of the kids and maybe she could make some activities like sew, cook or prepare parties, in the other hand Egyptian woman were very classy they use many jewels and make up, this continue in our society and in our families but one of the biggest changes is that nowadays woman are laborious, they contribute with money to supply all the needs of home, because they work in an office and in the house with the diary activities.

The most important aspect of Egyptian education were the correct way of speak, then the obedience and finally the value of the education with nature to develop personality. Also in the past years Egyptian learns mathematics in a simple way with diary situations; but now in Egypt the basic education is free and obligatory for kids between 6 and 12 years, then the students could assist to the general school that prefer kids for the technical school that teaches agriculture and industrial management.

Making a comparison between ancient Egyptian family and ancient Colombian family we could say that the roles of parents were similar, but because of the culture and the evolution now are a little bit different, and the educational aspect is so different because in our civilization the upbringing is integral it involves many things and it develops all the abilities like writing, listening reading and speaking not just one like in the Egyptian civilization.
María Carolina Barón Aristizábal

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