viernes, 11 de abril de 2008


Ancient egypt was a civilization characterized to be a polytheistic civilization, they had several gods that represented different things for Egyptians. gods governed everything, from the sun and the moon, until love wisdom and war.

I am going to write about the similarities and defferences between two gods: osiris and isis.

One similarities between osis and isis was that both were recognized as some of the most popular and essencioal gods in the whole Egyptian. Another similarity was that both belonged to the osiriac triad, the triad was an organization where was the most relevant gods.

The differences among these two gods basically are each one represented different things: isis was dennominated "great goddes mother" "Great magic ", etc... in contrast osiris was "the god of resurrection" symbol of the fertility" and regeneration of the nile.
Anoter difference was that the praise that surrended each god was different. the praise to isis was buildings or santuaries for her. but to osiris the praise consisted on remembering the death, funerar and resurrection.

The differences and similarities among these two gods are some for all the gods in ancient egypt, because each god represented something different and the praise was different for each one, the similarities was the impact to each god.

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa...

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