viernes, 25 de abril de 2008


Maria Carolina Barón Aristizábal
Blog essay
Egyptian Rituals

The activities that are related to rituals are continually changing because of the culture and the global evolution, for example nowadays we don’t see rituals very often.

One of the most significant rituals for Egyptians was the transformation of images into human figures; this ritual was known as the ritual of opening the mouth and the eyes. Ancient Egyptians practiced this ritual in statues, mommies, coffins, and in front of the tombs. The Egyptians touched the mouth of mommies and statues with tools to give life to the spirits, giving in this way the possibility of breath, eat, drink and see. But exactly the goal of this ritual was to make born the statue to give it life because of that, they use different kind of tools that people used in the birth of kids. When the Egyptians practiced this ritual they wrote the name of the person that manages the ceremony and the names of the instruments that they used.

Also they practiced a ritual for death people, because they believed in life after death and also they thought that the soul traveled further in because when someone die they conserved the body with the process of mummification, but this process only applied for rich people and pharaohs, this process started 2 or 3 days after death during 70 days and is one of the most remembered rituals of Egyptian people and also it is an icon to identify and to relate Egyptians.

Rituals are very relevant for ancient cultures because they established the difference from each other, and also rituals could be the point to recognize a specific civilization.

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