viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

Egyptian goddess

The religious beliefs of ancient Egypt were developed around 3000 years. For this reason the Egyptian goddess were too many, and too diverse, in fact because they brepresented the human-life areas . That diversity can be exposed mentioning the divinities of Isis and Osiris . They were twice of the most relevant goddess: a lot of egyptian tribes believed in them.
They had a representative role in the life of the people in those times .
Isis, was know as " The mother of every goddess", she was the most popular divinity of ancient Egypt: people loved her.
She was the mother of Horus: In contrast Osiris was a frightful deity, he was a " dead God" and the "God of Death". Isis means life , and protectionof it. In the other hand Osiris has a terrible story of treason and death. Also the genre of each one is different , Isis was a woman, and Osiris was a man.
Like a similarity, is important the fact they have the same origin:in fact they were brothers , and also lovers:so they have in common their son , Horus . Both were inmortalized for the people in another personality, it means that Osiris became the Sun (Ra), and Isis - as the Ra's wife- was assimilated as Hator , the "wife of the Sun".
In conclusin, is evident that this Goddess represent areas of the human life , in this case the most relevant aspects of existence , the life and death. From the ancient times , to nowadays , some cultures still believes in those Goddess, like every religion on this earth, they are the support of their lives, they always have been, and probably, they always will be.
by: Alba gonzalez

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