viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008


Hungary is a country ubicate in the center of Europe, its Capital is Budapest, the official language is Hungarian,Hungary was one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world in the past decade with a capital regarded as one of the most beautiful in the world.
Hungary is relatively small size, but have some places very interesting to visited, like Székesfehérvár.
The music of hungary consist mainly of traditional Hungarian folk music, Hungary is famous for its mathematics education, and some invention like the Rubik´s cube.
Hungary also is important because, for example, Calvin Klain was originated in this country and is an important mark in the world.

by: Alba González

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008


hungary and colombia are countries with some similarities and differences.
hungary is smallest in terms of length and population, is a country that presents the four seasons, unlike in colombia find a tropical climate, colombia language is Spanish, while in hungary is Hungarian, which is considered one of the languages more difficult.
hungary in its history has had great inventors whose inventions are now very popular around the world, however most people do not know the origin of these famous inventions.

YoRlAdIs GaRcIa

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008


Hungary is an European country, that belongs to the European Union. Its capital is Budapest, their official language is the Hungarian that is consider one of the most difficult languages to learn because it has 44 combinations of letters, but also Hungarian has the traditional abc. The popular sport in Hungary is Waterpolo, one of the biggest company that is known is Calvin Klein.

Maria Carolina Barón A.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

Remarkable event: Mathematics

Some of the most relevant and meaningful events that occurred during the Egyptian civilization were architecture, botany, zoology, astronomy, medicine and navy, all of these topics contribute to the develop of the humanity and also it serves to establish a base for specific science, that then people take it into account to study it more deeply. But the most wonderful science that Egyptian civilization developed was Mathematics and it had been significant since always because it is the center of the universe.

There is no doubt that Mathematics is the most remarkable contribution of Egyptians, but this is related in all the topics and daily situations making that relationships become to be calculated and also that people were measured for the things that they have, people lost their spontaneity to act, because nowadays people always think in numbers.

However mathematics is necessary in all the activities that people do, for examples in a family, people need to know how many members are they, to prepare dinner or a party. At the same time people need to count things to use this information from knowing how many times people need to eat, to the building of a bridge.
Also it is necessary to recognized that all the careers use a minimum level of mathematics, for example an Engineer needs to learn 4 different types of math, while a Doctor needs to know how many dosis is required according to the age of the patient.

Another aspect to consider is that mathematics is the base of many ancient theories, but also it is the base of new theories, for example the ones that are related with the global warming or with daily topics, for example the food crisis, so people can use math to predict how many people are going to be affected because of this, and also they can make many predictions.

Therefore mathematics is the meaningful event that changes the history of humanity because nowadays all the people use it and many people create a lot of things using math, because we consider that this science is a need.
Maria Carolina Baron
Alba Gonzales
Yorladis Garcia