viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

Egyptian family.

The people of ancient Egypt highly valued family life. They treasured children and regarded them as a great blessing. In the lower class families, the mother raised the children. The wealthy and nobility, had slaves and servants that helped take care of the children by attending to their daily needs.

Young boys learned a trade or craft from their fathers or an artisan. Young girls worked and received their training at home with their mothers. Those who could afford it sent their sons, from about the age 7, to school to study religion, reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Upon their parents death, the sons inherited the land, while daughters inherited the household goods such as furniture and jewelry. If there were no sons in the family, there was nothing preventing the daughters from inheriting the land.

Peasant girls usually married around the age 12, the boys were a few years older than the girls. Girls of more affluent families married a few years older. The marriages were arranged by parents of the children although some young people chose their own spouse. While the ordinary man normally had one wife, the kings always had several. Before the marriage ceremony, an agreement was signed by the couple. The pre-nuptial agreement stated that the wife was to receive an allowance from her husband. The contract also stated that any material good the wife brought into the marriage was hers to keep if the marriage ended for any reason. Both could own land separate from each other but the wife usually let her husband administer her land along with his.

Divorce was an option, although it was not common. If a husband treated his wife badly, she would go to her family for help. The wife's family would try to persuade her spouse to change his behavior. If his behavior did not improve the divorce took place. The divorce was a simple procedure consisting of making a simple statement to annul the marriage in front of witnesses. The wife was given custody of the children and was free to remarry.

in conclution we can see that The family remained the most significant unit of Egyptian society.

iz you wan to see more about the familie, only click hier:


sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008

CaRoLiNa bArON

NAME: My name is Maria Carolina Baron Aristizábal
AGE: I am 19 years old,
OCUPATION: I am studying Industrial Engineering and I am in fifth semester.

Hobbies: Listen to music and at school I practiced soccer.

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008

My name is Maria Carolina Baron Aristizabal.
I'm 19 years old, I'm studying Industrial engineering, I'm in fifth semester.
Hobbies: Listen to music and at school I played soccer.
Music: Coldpaly is one of my favorities groups.

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

YoRlAdIs gArCiA

NAME: Yorladis garcía orozco
AGE: 17 years old
HOBBIES: Listen music, Read, and watch films
FAVORITE MUSIC; Pop and English Rock : Evanescence, Coldplay,
linkin park, good charlotte